Talk it out! Our class will not be lecture or teacher driven, but discussion based. Attendees will read lessons prior to Sunday mornings and bring observations or questions back to the group. We can all learn from one another. Discussions leaders will rotate depending on curriculum and schedule. Bro. Dane will lead the first few weeks of this new model.
What will we learn? For approximately 8 weeks, the class will work from the book, "This We Believe: The Core of Wesleyan Faith and Practice" by William H. Willimon. Rev. Willimon is Presiding Bishop of the North Alabama Conference. The text is designed for small-group study. The curriculum is a great reminder of our Wesleyan roots for those that have long been established in the Methodist tradition, but is also a great introduction of the Wesleyan faith.
On Sunday July 11th we kicked off the class with a discussion of John Wesley and "practical divinity." Fourteen people were in attendance. More books have been ordered and will be available at the church or from Bro. Dane. (book order should be here by 15th)
Next week, we will discuss chapter one with the intent of covering one chapter per week. If we find one chapter deserves more attention, we'll allow more than one week. There's no deadline! Or final exam!!
Keeping with our schedule, Sunday School will break around 10:30 for a time of fellowship before worship at 11:00. Coffee, Donuts, Fruit and Juice will be available. Please join us!!
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