to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world

Open Hearts, Open Minds, Open Doors

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Congratulations to Coco and Joann Campbell

Sunday evening we celebrated the recent marriage of Coco and Joann Campbell with a potluck meal and fellowship. The couple brought along numerous guests from out of town including friends and family. We were glad to have everyone gather on such a joyous occasion.

Congratulations to Joann and Coco
We Love You Both

Joann and Jerry "Coco" Campbell

Bob and Charles preparing smoked chicken

Tommy, Patsy, Woody, Janet, Alidene and Bill...
sorry Bill, we caught you with your eyes closed

Ellen and Debbie arrange the food

Dane, Andrea and John pose for a close-up

Thanks to everyone who joined the meal and fellowship. A special thanks to all those who graciously provided a dish.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Feeding the Sheep, aka UCA Wesley Foundation Students

Thank you to Helen Bostian, Nina Kowerduct, Becky James, Debbie Campbell and others who helped provide a meal for the students of the UCA Wesley Foundation this past Monday. I think stomachs were full, with sweets to spare. I know the church was pleased to offer the meal and students enjoyed eating- I have been on both sides of this arrangement. What a wonderful circle of ministry and support. Bless all who participated in the shared table.

A big thanks to Shannon for this camera phone photo! (We were camera-less.)

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Busy, Busy!

Hey, there! Wow! Easter went by so quickly...We had a wonderful worship experience on Sunday morning, welcoming new member JoAnn Campbell to our congregation. It was a day filled with family and guests. The Sunrise Service and 11am Service were both well attended. Special thanks to Debbie Campbell, Beth Estes, and Jill Womack for providing a pancake breakfast before 11am worship.

Please check the above links for "Calendar." This is a ideal place to learn about upcoming events and contact information for these events. The next few days include 3 different events:

Saturday, 10th 4-7pm Annual Plumerville Bean Supper Homecoming Fundraiser. All are welcome to the meal. This is a community-wide event at the Sr. Citizens Center.

Sunday, 11th Leading and Living the United Methodist Way at FUMC Russellville. This event is brought to you by the conference in conjunction with the district office. This should be an exciting afternoon of fellowship and learning. We will leave Plummerville UMC around 2:00. All are invited and encouraged to attend. See Dane ( for more information.

Monday, 12th UCA Wesley Foundation Lunch. We will be providing the student lunch this coming Monday. Helen Bostian is coordinating the menu. This is an exciting opportunity to serve students with a warm meal, extending the grace of Christ.

Please consider joining these upcoming activities. Check our calendar regularly as it will be updated as new information comes in.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Holy Thursday passes, Easter Services Set

John 13:8
Peter said to him, “You will never wash my feet.”
Jesus answered, “Unless I wash you, you have no share with me.”

Thursday evening the congregation gathered for a service celebrating Holy Thursday. Holy Communion was served and attendees participated in a symbolic Hand Washing- serving one another, and allowing themselves to be served.

After sharing the passages of Christ's final meal with his disciples, the congregation joined in Song and Word; exploring the passion story. There is no Easter Morning without the crucifixion of Good Friday. Let us wait, wait on the Lord.

Thank you to all those who attended and participated in the Holy Thursday Service. We pray it was a blessing.

An Easter Sunrise Service is set for 7am, with our regular worship service occurring at 11am. Please join us in the hope and joy of Easter Morning!